
Wolf­gang Kiessling
sys­tem design & tech­ni­cal con­sul­ting - SD&TC

wolle-ing_03Free­lan­ce Con­sul­tant and Aut­hor:

  • Tech­ni­cal con­sul­ting ser­vices world­wi­de;
  • Engi­neer Sys­tem Inte­gra­ti­on and Sup­port;
  • Spe­cia­list in Inte­gra­ted Manage­ment Sys­tems;
  • Aut­hor (non-fiction and tech­ni­cal topics).

VisitenkarteLast Expe­ri­ence (11 years):

Sys­tem Inte­gra­ti­on Engi­neer (Pro­ject Engi­neer); tech­ni­cal simu­la­ti­on; infrared mea­su­ring sys­tems for nano-technology (ther­mo­sen­so­rics, expe­ri­ence world­wi­de); Field Nano­tech­no­lo­gy and Semi­con­duc­tors; Sys­tem imple­men­ta­ti­ons, con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons and on-site sup­port, glo­bal remo­te con­trol mea­su­re­ment PC and sys­tems; Backup/restore; Pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment, opti­miza­ti­on; Test SW / HW fea­tures; Dri­ver instal­la­ti­on / adjus­t­ment; Data inter­faces, posi­tio­ning sys­tems, peri­phe­ral elec­tro­nics; Soft­ware cus­to­mi­zing; Engi­nee­ring; On-site sys­tem imple­men­ta­ti­on, user advice and trai­ning, cus­to­mer accep­tance; Fur­ther: tech­ni­cal docu­men­ta­ti­on; Purcha­se; Com­pa­ny inter­net, intra­net; Qua­li­ty Manage­ment; Inter­nal audits and stock­ta­king; pro­ject mana­ger to intro­du­ce ERP sys­tem (MS Dyna­mics NAV); Aut­hor.


Do you always rely on loyal­ty and trust­wor­t­hy com­mit­ment as well as always on an up-to-date sta­tus of your resour­ces? I am hap­py to be at your side - with gre­at fle­xi­bi­li­ty and mobi­li­ty. Plea­se use the → Cont­act Form to tell me your thoughts.

Fur­ther sta­ti­ons and com­pe­ten­ces:

  • Among the social net­works Xing (ger­man) and Lin­ke­dIn (Eng­lish);
  • Mem­ber­ship Lite­ra­ry Socie­ty of Thu­rin­gia e.V. (Wei­mar);
  • Book Pro­jects e.g. → “Bai­kal” and → “Qua­li­ty Core”;
  • My qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons (inter alia):

My pseud­onym for publi­ca­ti­ons and copy­right: Wol­le Ing

Note: As an aut­hor of books and publi­ca­ti­ons my per­for­mance takes place under an open pseud­onym, in order to distin­gu­ish me from many other aut­hors of the same name and sur­na­me, tho­se publish publi­ca­ti­ons, non-fiction books or dis­ser­ta­ti­ons.


  • Address: Wolf­gang Kiessling
    sys­tem design & tech­ni­cal con­sul­ting
    Land­stra­ße 26
    Ger­ma­ny - 99834 Ger­s­tun­gen
  • USt-IdNr. DE312971802
  • Email: wolle.ing.@.outlook.de

sony-alpha-7-ilce7kb-mit-el2470z-5_kAbout me:

  • Born 1961: child­hood, school, voca­tio­nal trai­ning in Nies­ky (Oberlau­sitz);
  • Care­er: year 1961; Locks­mith, Abitur, Offi­cer / Com­man­der, Sys­tems Engi­neer (Nano­tech­no­lo­gy, IT, QM), Aut­hor;
  • Lan­guages: Rus­si­an, Eng­lish, Ger­man;
  • Inte­rests bes­i­des job & fami­ly: design of every kind, wri­ting, bicy­cle trek­king, IT, world wide web, phy­sics, mili­ta­ry histo­ry, phi­lo­so­phy, photo­gra­phy.
Wolle Ing am Baikal 2016
Wol­le Ing 2016 over the Bai­kal Lake - on the Island of Olchon - Pic­tu­re Aut­hor: Erwin Platz­dasch