Take a Moment , plea­se - have a lot of Sys­tem and Sources.”

Wolf­gang Kiessling
sys­tem design & tech­ni­cal con­sul­ting

I ima­gi­ne this place as a free­lan­cer. I am acti­ve as a spe­cia­list for tech­ni­cal Con­sul­ting Ser­vices, as an Engi­neer Sys­tem Inte­gra­ti­on and Sup­port, spe­cia­list for inte­gra­ted Manage­ment Sys­tems as well as as a Aut­hor of non-fiction and tech­ni­cal books.

Wolle IngTo my Ser­vices and → Por­trait.

As wri­ter I also pre­sent book pro­jects like the books → “Bai­kal Core” and → “Qua­li­ty Core”. Some sel­ec­ted publi­ca­ti­ons and reports, which I have published on various web­sites and online jour­nals for over 15 years, com­ple­te the who­le.

At first here one of my favo­ri­te cita­ti­ons.

Felix qui potuit rer­um cogno­s­ce­re causas” (lat., Ver­gil, Geor­gi­ca 2,490) - “Hap­py, who could see the cau­se of things”

Start Wolle Ing