Alpen, Tirol, Auf der Zugspitze

Bet­ween Tyrol and All­gäu

On the way bet­ween Tyrol and All­gäu Pho­to report from a bor­der regi­on bet­ween Ger­ma­ny and Aus­tria At this point I do not dwell long with words about the moun­ta­ins of a regi­on whe­re I […]

Big Data

Note: This is tem­po­r­a­ri­ly only an auto­ma­tic trans­la­ti­on. BIG DATA - Pole­mic to Tech­no­lo­gy Trend The Term Big Data Wiki­pe­dia defi­nes the term: “→ BIG DATA descri­bes the use of lar­ge amounts of data from a varie­ty […]