Wart­burg Castl in Luther Year

Wartburg Lutherjahr 2017

Wart­burg Cast­le at Eas­ter - Start in the Luther year

April 16th - the Eas­ter wea­ther is not exact­ly invi­ting for a visit. Nevert­hel­ess - in the → Luther year it’s the time to go to the cast­le → Wart­burg. The cast­le is open on 365 days of year. Eas­ter sun­day is a good day for a visit. Well also - the wea­ther ensu­res that the Wart­burg cast­le is not extre­me­ly over­run. Thus we got a gui­ded tour wit­hout a long wai­ting peri­od.

The atta­ching of → the­sis from Mar­tin Luther in the year 1517 was the start of the → Refor­ma­ti­on, an event that influen­ced the world histo­ry. In this year, the­re is the 500th anni­ver­sa­ry of the Refor­ma­ti­on.

The Jubi­lee is also cele­bra­ted in → Eisen­ach, an important sta­ti­on of Luther. Luther and the Ger­mans - with 350,000 visi­tors annu­al­ly, the Wart­burg cast­le near Eisen­ach is today the most visi­ted Luther place in the world. At Eas­ter, Asi­an tou­rists also crossed our path. In and around Eisen­ach, the­re is much to admi­re. The → Luther­an Bible - a trans­la­ti­on of the Old and New Tes­ta­ments, on which → Mar­tin Luther here began to work in 1521 - was, unfort­u­na­te­ly, not to be seen in Luther’s room on the Wart­burg. Per­haps she will be pre­sent then at the Natio­nal Spe­cial Exhi­bi­ti­on on the → Refor­ma­ti­on Jubi­lee 2017, which will take place on the Wart­burg on May 4th.

The gui­ded tour through the typi­cal fort­ress with its repre­sen­ta­ti­ve archi­tec­tu­re reflects the his­to­ri­cal high­lights of the Ger­man past. We learn about the defen­se and power-political aspects that led to the foun­da­ti­on of the cast­le around 1067. For­t­u­na­te­ly, the­se con­side­ra­ti­ons are no lon­ger rele­vant. The gui­de, howe­ver, also tells of the fine arts which have been always cul­ti­va­ted here, of the songs of → Walt­hers of the Vogel­wei­de and of → Wolf­ram von Eschen­bach. The Palas fes­ti­val room, in which occa­sio­nal con­certs take place, is a high­light next to the many art tre­asu­res.

The atmo­sphe­re, which is held bet­ween sun­light, rain show­ers, cloud for­ma­ti­ons, clear air, woo­ded heights and his­to­ri­cal atmo­sphe­re, crea­tes an impres­si­ve Wart­burg sce­n­ery. Many motifs are offe­red on the Wart­burg. The­se will be not my last shots of this venerable place. Fur­ther places and events in and around Eisen­ach will be devo­ted to the Luther year - among others the sum­mer fes­ti­val of the poet­ry of the → Lite­ra­ry Socie­ty of Thu­rin­gia e.V..


Snapshots of the Wart­burg

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