Wartburg Castle at Easter - Start in the Luther year
April 16th - the Easter weather is not exactly inviting for a visit. Nevertheless - in the → Luther year it’s the time to go to the castle → Wartburg. The castle is open on 365 days of year. Easter sunday is a good day for a visit. Well also - the weather ensures that the Wartburg castle is not extremely overrun. Thus we got a guided tour without a long waiting period.
The attaching of → thesis from Martin Luther in the year 1517 was the start of the → Reformation, an event that influenced the world history. In this year, there is the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.
The Jubilee is also celebrated in → Eisenach, an important station of Luther. Luther and the Germans - with 350,000 visitors annually, the Wartburg castle near Eisenach is today the most visited Luther place in the world. At Easter, Asian tourists also crossed our path. In and around Eisenach, there is much to admire. The → Lutheran Bible - a translation of the Old and New Testaments, on which → Martin Luther here began to work in 1521 - was, unfortunately, not to be seen in Luther’s room on the Wartburg. Perhaps she will be present then at the National Special Exhibition on the → Reformation Jubilee 2017, which will take place on the Wartburg on May 4th.
The guided tour through the typical fortress with its representative architecture reflects the historical highlights of the German past. We learn about the defense and power-political aspects that led to the foundation of the castle around 1067. Fortunately, these considerations are no longer relevant. The guide, however, also tells of the fine arts which have been always cultivated here, of the songs of → Walthers of the Vogelweide and of → Wolfram von Eschenbach. The Palas festival room, in which occasional concerts take place, is a highlight next to the many art treasures.
The atmosphere, which is held between sunlight, rain showers, cloud formations, clear air, wooded heights and historical atmosphere, creates an impressive Wartburg scenery. Many motifs are offered on the Wartburg. These will be not my last shots of this venerable place. Further places and events in and around Eisenach will be devoted to the Luther year - among others the summer festival of the poetry of the → Literary Society of Thuringia e.V..
Snapshots of the Wartburg
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